Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Spotify AB
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Module for logic related to chart styles.


from itertools import cycle
import yaml

import bokeh
from import value as bokeh_value

from chartify._core import colors
from chartify._core.options import options

from packaging import version

class BasePalette:
    """Base class for color palettes."""

    def __init__(self, chart, palette):
        self._chart = chart

    def _set_palette_colors(self, palette):
            # Palette is a string.
            # Retreive the appropriate ColorPalette object.
            if palette.lower():
                palette = colors.color_palettes[palette]
        except AttributeError:

        palette_colors = getattr(palette, "colors", None)
        if palette_colors is not None:
            # Palette is a ColorPalette object
            self._colors = [color.get_hex_l() for color in palette_colors]
            # Palette is a list of color strings
            self._colors = [colors.Color(color).get_hex_l() for color in palette]

    def _get_palette_class(cls, chart, palette_type="categorical", palette=None, accent_values=None):
        if palette_type == "categorical":
            if palette is None:
                palette_name = options.get_option("style.color_palette_categorical")
                palette = colors.color_palettes[palette_name]
            return CategoricalPalette(chart, palette)
        elif palette_type == "sequential":
            if palette is None:
                palette_name = options.get_option("style.color_palette_sequential")
                palette = colors.color_palettes[palette_name]
            return OrdinalPalette(chart, palette)
        elif palette_type == "diverging":
            if palette is None:
                palette_name = options.get_option("style.color_palette_diverging")
                palette = colors.color_palettes[palette_name]
            return OrdinalPalette(chart, palette)
        elif palette_type == "accent":
            if palette is None:
                palette_name = options.get_option("style.color_palette_accent")
                palette = colors.color_palettes[palette_name]
            return AccentPalette(chart, palette, accent_values)
            raise ValueError(
                """Type must be one of: ('categorical', 'sequential',
                                         'diverging', 'accent')."""

    def next_colors(self, color_column_values):
        """Return a list of colors associated with each value."""
        return [self.next_color(o) for o in color_column_values]

    def next_color(self, color_column_value=None):
        """Return the next color from the color palette."""
        raise NotImplementedError

class OrderedPaletteMixin:
    """Mixin for palettes that should be applied in order."""

    def reset_palette_order(self):
        """Reset the order of the color palette."""
        self._color_cycle = cycle(self._colors)

    def next_color(self, color_column_value=None):
        """Return the next color from the color palette."""
        return next(self._color_cycle)

class CategoricalPalette(OrderedPaletteMixin, BasePalette):
    """Categorical palettes are those that have no designated order."""

    def __init__(self, chart, palette):
        super(CategoricalPalette, self).__init__(chart, palette)
        self._color_cycle = cycle(self._colors)

class OrdinalPalette(OrderedPaletteMixin, BasePalette):
    """Ordinal palettes have an order associated with the color dimension."""

    def __init__(self, chart, palette):
        super(OrdinalPalette, self).__init__(chart, palette)
        self._color_cycle = cycle(self._colors)

    def next_colors(self, color_column_values):
        """Return a list of colors associated with each value."""
        palette_colors = self._colors
        if len(color_column_values) > len(self._colors):
            palette = colors.ColorPalette.from_hex_list(colors=self._colors).expand_palette(len(color_column_values))
            palette_colors = [color.get_hex_l() for color in palette.colors]
        return bokeh.palettes.linear_palette(palette_colors, len(color_column_values))

class AccentPalette(BasePalette):
    """Accent Palette.

    Accent palette assigns specific colors to specific values
    within the color dimension.

    The default color is used for values that are unassigned."""

    def __init__(self, chart, palette, accent_values=None):
        super(AccentPalette, self).__init__(chart, palette)
        self._accent_color_map = None

    def set_accent_values(self, accent_values):
        """Set values that should be accented.

        - accent_values (list or dict): List of values that
        should be accented or dictionary of 'value': 'color' pairs.
        if isinstance(accent_values, dict):
            self._accent_color_map = {value: colors.Color(color).get_hex_l() for value, color in accent_values.items()}
            self._accent_color_map = dict(list(zip(accent_values, cycle(self._colors))))
        return self._chart

    def next_color(self, color_column_value=None):
        """Return the color for the given values.

            color_column_value: TODO
        return self._accent_color_map.get(color_column_value, self._default_color)

    def set_default_color(self, color):
        Set default color of values in the 'color_column'
        that are not accented."""
        color = colors.Color(color).get_hex_l()
        self._default_color = color

[docs]class Style: """ Contains attributes and methods for modifying the aesthetic style of the chart. """ def __init__(self, chart, layout): self._chart = chart self.color_palette = BasePalette._get_palette_class(self._chart) self._layout = layout self._set_width_and_height(layout) self.settings = { "legend": { "figure.legend.orientation": "horizontal", "figure.legend.location": "top_left", "figure.legend.label_text_font": "helvetica", }, "chart": { "figure.background_fill_color": "white", "figure.xgrid.grid_line_color": None, "figure.ygrid.grid_line_color": None, "figure.border_fill_color": "white", "figure.min_border_left": 60, "figure.min_border_right": 60, "figure.min_border_top": 40, "figure.min_border_bottom": 60, "figure.xaxis.axis_line_width": 1, "figure.yaxis.axis_line_width": 1, "figure.yaxis.axis_line_color": "#C0C0C0", "figure.xaxis.axis_line_color": "#C0C0C0", "figure.yaxis.axis_label_text_color": "#666666", "figure.xaxis.axis_label_text_color": "#666666", "figure.xaxis.major_tick_line_color": "#C0C0C0", "figure.xaxis.minor_tick_line_color": "#C0C0C0", "figure.yaxis.major_tick_line_color": "#C0C0C0", "figure.yaxis.minor_tick_line_color": "#C0C0C0", "figure.xaxis.major_label_text_color": "#898989", "figure.yaxis.major_label_text_color": "#898989", "figure.outline_line_alpha": 1, "figure.outline_line_color": "white", "figure.xaxis.axis_label_text_font": "helvetica", "figure.yaxis.axis_label_text_font": "helvetica", "figure.yaxis.major_label_text_font": "helvetica", "figure.xaxis.major_label_text_font": "helvetica", "figure.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_style": "bold", "figure.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_style": "bold", "figure.yaxis.axis_label_text_font_size": "11pt", "figure.xaxis.axis_label_text_font_size": "11pt", "figure.yaxis.major_label_text_font_size": "10pt", "figure.xaxis.major_label_text_font_size": "10pt", "figure.title.text_font": "helvetica", "figure.title.text_color": "#333333", "figure.title.text_font_size": "18pt", "figure.xaxis.minor_tick_out": 1, "figure.yaxis.minor_tick_out": 1, "figure.xaxis.major_tick_line_width": 1, "figure.yaxis.major_tick_line_width": 1, "figure.xaxis.major_tick_out": 4, "figure.yaxis.major_tick_out": 4, "figure.xaxis.major_tick_in": 0, "figure.yaxis.major_tick_in": 0, }, "categorical_xaxis": { # Used for grouped categorical axes "figure.xaxis.separator_line_alpha": 0, "figure.xaxis.subgroup_text_font": "helvetica", "figure.xaxis.group_text_font": "helvetica", "figure.xaxis.subgroup_text_font_size": "11pt", "figure.xaxis.group_text_font_size": "11pt", "figure.x_range.factor_padding": 0.25, }, "categorical_yaxis": { # Used for grouped categorical axes "figure.yaxis.separator_line_alpha": 0, "figure.yaxis.subgroup_text_font": "helvetica", "figure.yaxis.group_text_font": "helvetica", "figure.y_range.factor_padding": 0.25, "figure.yaxis.subgroup_text_font_size": "11pt", "figure.yaxis.group_text_font_size": "11pt", }, "categorical_xyaxis": { # Used for grouped categorical axes "figure.yaxis.separator_line_alpha": 0, "figure.yaxis.subgroup_text_font": "helvetica", "figure.yaxis.group_text_font": "helvetica", "figure.yaxis.subgroup_text_font_size": "11pt", "figure.yaxis.group_text_font_size": "11pt", # Used for grouped categorical axes "figure.xaxis.separator_line_alpha": 0, "figure.xaxis.subgroup_text_font": "helvetica", "figure.xaxis.group_text_font": "helvetica", "figure.xaxis.subgroup_text_font_size": "11pt", "figure.xaxis.group_text_font_size": "11pt", }, "subtitle": { "subtitle_align": "left", "subtitle_text_color": "#666666", "subtitle_location": "above", "subtitle_text_size": "12pt", "subtitle_text_font": "helvetica", }, "text_callout_and_plot": { "font": self._font_value("helvetica"), }, "interval_plot": { "space_between_bars": 0.25, "margin": 0.05, "bar_width": 0.9, "space_between_categories": 1.15, # Note each stem is drawn twice "interval_end_stem_size": 0.1 / 2, "interval_midpoint_stem_size": 0.03 / 2, }, "line_plot": { "line_cap": "round", "line_join": "round", "line_width": 4, "line_dash": "solid", }, "second_y_axis": { "figure.yaxis[1].axis_label_text_color": "#666666", "figure.yaxis[1].axis_line_color": "#C0C0C0", "figure.yaxis[1].axis_line_width": 1, "figure.yaxis[1].major_tick_line_color": "#C0C0C0", "figure.yaxis[1].minor_tick_line_color": "#C0C0C0", "figure.yaxis[1].major_label_text_color": "#898989", "figure.yaxis[1].axis_label_text_font": "helvetica", "figure.yaxis[1].major_label_text_font": "helvetica", "figure.yaxis[1].axis_label_text_font_style": "bold", "figure.yaxis[1].axis_label_text_font_size": "11pt", "figure.yaxis[1].major_label_text_font_size": "10pt", "figure.yaxis[1].minor_tick_out": 1, "figure.yaxis[1].major_tick_line_width": 1, "figure.yaxis[1].major_tick_out": 4, "figure.yaxis[1].major_tick_in": 0, }, } config_filename = options.get_option("config.style_settings") try: self._settings_from_yaml(config_filename, apply_chart_settings=False) except FileNotFoundError: pass @staticmethod def _font_value(text_font): # if version.parse(bokeh.__version__) < version.parse("2.3"): return text_font else: # >= 2.3 return bokeh_value(text_font) def _set_width_and_height(self, layout="slide_100%"): """Set plot width and height based on the layout""" self.plot_width = 960 self.plot_height = 540 height_multiplier, width_multiplier = 1.0, 1.0 if layout == "slide_75%": height_multiplier = 1.0 * 0.8 width_multiplier = 0.75 * 0.8 elif layout == "slide_50%": height_multiplier = 1.0 width_multiplier = 0.5 elif layout == "slide_25%": height_multiplier = 0.5 width_multiplier = 0.5 self.plot_height = int(self.plot_height * height_multiplier) self.plot_width = int(self.plot_width * width_multiplier)
[docs] def set_color_palette(self, palette_type, palette=None, accent_values=None): """ Args: palette_type: - 'categorical': Use when the color dimension has no meaningful order. - 'sequential': Use when the color dimension has a sequential order. - 'diverging' - 'accent': Use to assign color to specific values in the color dimension. palette (color palette name, ColorPalette object, or list of colors) See for palette & color names. Default: 'Spotify Palette' accent_values (list or dict): List of values that should be accented or dictionary of 'value': 'color' pairs. Only applies to 'accent' palette type. """ self.color_palette = BasePalette._get_palette_class( self._chart, palette_type=palette_type, palette=palette, accent_values=accent_values, ) return self._chart
def _apply_bokeh_settings(self, attributes): for key, value in attributes.items(): self._apply_bokeh_setting(key, value) def _apply_bokeh_setting(self, attribute, value, base_obj=None): """Recursively apply the settings value to the given settings attribute. Recursion is necessary because some bokeh objects may have multiple child objects. E.g. figures can have more than one x-axis. """ # If not a bokeh attribute then we don't need to apply anything. if "figure" not in attribute and base_obj is None: return split_attribute = attribute.split(".") if base_obj is None: base_obj = self._chart if len(split_attribute) == 1: setattr(base_obj, attribute, value) else: for i, attr in enumerate(split_attribute): # If the attribute contains a list, the slice the list. list_split = attr.split("[") list_index = None if len(list_split) > 1: list_index = int(list_split[1].replace("]", "")) attr = list_split[0] if i < len(split_attribute) - 1: base_obj = getattr(base_obj, attr) # Slice the list if list_index is not None if list_index is not None: base_obj = base_obj[list_index] # If the base object is a list, then apply settings to each # element. if isinstance(base_obj, (list,)): for obj in base_obj: self._apply_bokeh_setting(".".join(split_attribute[i + 1 :]), value, base_obj=obj) break else: setattr(base_obj, attr, value) def _apply_settings(self, key): """Apply the specified bokeh settings""" setting_values = self.settings[key] self._apply_bokeh_settings(setting_values) def _get_settings(self, key): """Return the values of the given settings key""" setting_values = self.settings[key] return setting_values def _settings_to_yaml(self, filename): """Write the chart settings dict to a yaml file""" with open(filename, "w") as outfile: yaml.dump(self.settings, outfile, default_flow_style=False) def _settings_from_yaml(self, filename, apply_chart_settings=True): """Load the chart settings dict from a yaml file""" yaml_settings = yaml.safe_load(open(filename)) self.settings.update(yaml_settings) # Apply the settings that have been loaded. if apply_chart_settings: self._apply_settings("chart")